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Don'’t let Syria Down

05. Jul 2013

Sign the Petition

Pax Christi International fordert dringend den Beginn der Friedenskonferenz zu Syrien. Dazu werden Unterschriften für einen Brief an US Präsident Barack Obama und den russischen Präsidenten Vladimir Putin gesammelt. Bitte unterschreiben Sie.

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Sign the Petition: Don’t let Syria Down

Pax Christi International has joined a petition launched by Oxfam International calling on U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin to make the long-promised Syria peace talks a reality. Signatories to this petition are calling for peace talks to happen urgently and for participation from all parties to the conflict, in order to make talks a success. I just signed the petition "Don’t let Syria down" on Change.org. It's important. Will you sign it too?